
Chris Chen

It me

Howdy, I'm Chris, and I develop software at Microsoft for Azure App Service. Before that, I worked on Microsoft Philanthropies, where the engineering team focused on supporting and accelerating the company's internal and external philanthropic initiatives.

The last thing I've worked on outside of my job is probably Playlist Exchange, a web app that converts Spotify playlists into YouTube music video playlists.

Past life

I've been programming since 2013, when I took AP Computer Science in high school (probably the most vanilla origin story ever).

More recently, I studied at Northwestern University (NU) in Evanston, IL. While there, I made an active effort to stay involved with the growing computer science community.

I am the former president of IEEE Northwestern, where I led the planning of events intended to cultivate a student culture that recognizes those individuals who explore their technical passions outside of the classroom.

I was also a lead organizer of Hack Nights, a weekly event catered to student software developers, where each installment consists of workshops and tutorials on everything from web development to technical interviews.

Hit my line

If you ever want to talk, shoot me an email:

hello (at) chris chen dot me

You can also find me on LinkedIn.